Hypothyroidism is a condition where the Thyroid gland is not secreting optimum amount of hormones, there are various causes.
The Thyroid’s main function is to maintain metabolism in the body. Modern Medicine mentions the gland as early as the first century AD and states that its purpose is to lubricate the larynx. The Thyroid was finally named in the 1600’s, at that time it was thought of as a beautification organ that filled the hollow spaces of the neck located on either side of the larynx. The thyroid was also thought of as a sort of valve that prevented excess blood flow to the brain.
Ayurveda had a different description. Although the thyroid is not mentioned in the Vedic Texts however a disease called Galaganada is comparatively similar.
Galaganada is described by Susutha as two big or small swelling in anterior angle of the neck. Charaka mentioned it as a single swelling.
In the vedic texts there are specific nidana (causes) listed. People that eat predominantly fish are at more risk. Cold damp densely treed environment is listed as a contributor. Water stagnation and heavy rains are also listed.
Hypothyroidism is not a localized disease, it affects many organs and systems due to it’s hormonal influence and that fact that it is responsible for kindling our bio fires or Agni.
When hypothyroidism is due to genetics it is considered “adibala Pravritta” and is considered Asadhya or non-curable.
If the condition is congenital it is considered “Jalakunbhi Pravritta Vyadhis” and this condition is preventable is if Pathya (things that are good) is followed during pregnancy and apathya (things to avoid) is also followed.
Pathya (do’s)
Coconut oil, Kelp, beetroot, radish, parsley, potato, oatmeal, banana’s are good.
Exercise 15 to 20 minutes per day minimum
Reduce stress
Yoga- Specifically:
shoulder stands. This puts pressure on the thyroid gland which has a large supply of blood. Applying pressure will allow the thyroid to release stagnant hormonal secretions to function more normally.
Other Yoga poses (asana’s) to practice:
Marsyasana (fish pose)
Halasna (plough pose)
Sun salutations
Backward bending Poses (asana’s)
Apathya (avoid)
Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potato, lima beans, pearl millet, corn.
Heavy foods.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism are non-specific and include a wide range encompassing many different systems. Because of the non-specific nature of the symptoms, many times hypothyroidism goes undiagnosed.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism include but are not limited to the following because there is no stand alone characteristic symptoms:
vertigo, weight gain, mood swings, fatigue, lethargy, slow memory and thinking, intellectual disturbances, menstrual disturbances, rough dry skin, horse voice, muscle stiffness, constipation, cramps, weakness, thin brittle falling out hair, intolerance to cold weather, goiter, swelling of the neck.
As you can see the symptoms can be quite diverse and that is what leads to the mis-diagnosis. Hypothyroidism is considered a Vata and Kapha vitiation which can make it tricky to treat.
The thyroids job is to control and regulate our metabolism and it does that by producing thyroxine and that is the spark for our metabolism. Thyroxine stimulates the mitochondria of our cells. The amount of stimulation from the Thyroxine determines how quickly our cells do their work.
Hypothyroidism is a result from inadequate production of Thyroxine due to a structural or a functional decline.
One of the main causes of hypothyroidism has been found to be a lack of Iodine. Herbs containing Iodine are therefore suggested such as shigru and jalakumbhi. Iodine levels vary from state to state, the most Iodine depleted soil is located in the mid west and great lakes region, Michigan being the leader.
Herbs that work at the glandular level and are considered hypothyroid herbs:
- Gulgulu
- Ashwagandha
- Trijataka
- Trikatu
- Triphala
- Varuna
- Brahmi
- gokshura
- punarnava
- shilajit
Foods that contain Iodine are highly suggested:
Dried Seaweed
fortified iodized salt
baked potato with peel
baked turkey breast
cooked navy beans
tuna canned in oil
boiled eggs
organic strawberries
coconut oil
essential fatty acids, omega 3’s and 6’s
At a metabolic level the following is helpful:
deepana, pachana, ushna, teekshan, sukshma, lekhana herbs to increase metabolism.
Always talk to your Doctor before a drastic change in diet or activity levels. The encouraging word about Ayurveda is that is is natural and safe, it is also complimentary.
For more information about Ayurveda click here
Blog Post by Shelli Thompson
For more information about Ayurveda click here
Blog Post by Shelli Thompson