Ayurveda is an ancient medical system that focuses emphasis on preventative measures in order to keep health vibrant and balanced. Ayurveda relies on the 6 tastes, the elements and the energies behind the structure when deciding on a course of action.
A systematic continuous tradition of Professional practice and Education sets Kerala Ayurveda apart. Ayurveda relies on research just like any other medicine in order to find new ways to prevent and manage imbalances found in the body that can lead to a diseased state. Kerala Ayurveda is a leader in Ayurvedic research, helping to make Ayurveda widely recognized as a supportive, preventative, practical medical system that is easy to understand and best of all, works.
A shloka from the ancient texts:
hitam ahitam sukham dukham ayustasya hitahitam.
Manam cha tat cha yatroktam ayurvedaha sa Oochyal.
Ayurveda gives us guidelines for how to live life in a state of peace & happiness
how to create joy in our personal as well as social lives
and how to create balance from within and from without.
Ayurvedic Education is a point of major focus for Kerala Ayurveda Academy (KAA). Our students and practitioners rely on the education that KAA provides to enable them to offer more options to the clients they already have, KAA's Education allow new students to wrap their thoughts around the philosophy of Ayurveda. Our classes offer traditional teachings from ancient times that remain relevant today.
Ayurveda is ancient and traditional and yet it recognizes we are all living in a modern world
including the demands of work, home, family, kids and what ever else you can fit in. KAA has made their flexible education easy to work in any hectic schedule. Although we offer live, hands on classes it is not required that you attend, you can receive your classes on our E-Learning site and in our live weekly virtual classes.Click Here for information on our online Learning program
We also Offer Distance Learning, click here to find out more
In addition to our Full Certifications we offer specialized classes of a shorter duration so that you can decide on what interests you the most.
KAA presents opportunities to acquire recognized certifications:

Certified Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner

We invite you to learn more about Ayurveda,
KAA has prepared a complimentary 6 part series on Ayurveda that we invite you to participate in. Click Here for access to the sign up page where you will enter your user name and a password to gain immediate access to the Series on Natural Sustainable solutions for lifestyle disorders.
We offer single day and weekend workshop on micro-focused topics that have been suggested or requested by the alumni and student body. Sharing what interests are common allows us to address these areas.
Two upcoming workshops to save the date for:
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